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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for Tires

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

F2 Labs offers testing services for customers selling RFID technology in their tires, falling under ISO 20912 and ISO 20909 (Section 5.5.2).

ISO 20912

ISO 20912 calls out the EMC testing required for tires that contain passive RFID tags. The standard is applied to tire manufacturers who are trying to determine whether the RFID-enabled tire meets the minimum performance level. Testing is conducted in the UHF RFID band (860-930MHz).

ISO 20909 (Section 5.5.2)

ISO 20909 defines the three technologies for RFID (embedded, patch, and sticker). Tire manufacturers have developed RFID technology that can be used throughout the tire’s life span, to identify an individual tire. For this reason, passive tag solutions are being used. Below is the table in ISO 20909 that shows the different types of tag implementation technologies:
Table 1 — Three tag implementation technologies to tires
Technology Duration in the tire Examples of uses
Embedded Throughout the life of the tire including manufacturing, service, retreading, removal, and/or recycling/scrapping All applications
Patch From patch date of installation until the end of life, and pre-or post-cured applied
  • Logistic and traceability
  • Product information at the tire dealer
  • RFID retrofitting of already manufactured (new) or tires in service
  • After retreading for non-RFID casings
  • RFID tag replacement as needed, e.g. embedded solution damaged, non-functional
Sticker After tire manufacturing and for logistic and traceability Product information at the tire dealer

Call F2 Labs today to discuss RFID testing for your product.

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