On-Site Compliance Testing

F2 Labs can perform On-Site Compliance Testing for large or complex machines, products, or systems. We can perform testing at your facility for certification to the UL (United States), CSA (Canadian), or CE Standards (for the European Union) for products that are too large or too expensive to ship.

Benefits of testing at your facility:

  • Your Engineering staff is present for the testing
    • Faster resolution to technical issues between test engineer and your staff
    • Questions and answers between the test engineer and your staff are conducted face to face
  • Your staff does not have to travel
  • Equipment Under Test does not have to ship
  • Your staff gets a better understanding of the testing process

F2 Labs is accredited by A2LA for On-Site Compliance testing and can assist you by performing the testing at your facility. F2 Labs EMC and Safety test engineers travel all over the country to perform on-site certification testing as required by the applicable standards. EMC evaluations are performed using in-situ testing procedures, employing the test standards as guidance.

Note: On-Site testing is not recommended for all types of products. Certain products are required to be evaluated in a laboratory environment.

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