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FCC Part 18

FCC Part 18 Compliance Testing and Certification

F2 Labs can provide you with the compliance testing required for FCC Part 18. FCC Part 18 includes EMC requirements for certain industrial, scientific, and medical digital equipment not included in Part 15.

FCC Part 18 is required for any electrical device that emits RF intentionally, such as inductive chargers, some types of welders, inductive cooking ranges, and more. General consumer medical devices typically do NOT fall under the jurisdiction of FCC Part 18. The only exception to this rule is if the medical equipment is designed to generate and use RF energy locally for medical or therapeutic purposes. If you are not sure whether FCC Part 18 applies to your product, contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Per FCC Part 18, the FCC has the authority to regulate industrial, scientific, and medical equipment (ISM) that emits electromagnetic energy on frequencies within the radio frequency spectrum to prevent harmful interference to authorized radio communication services. This part sets forth the conditions under which the equipment in question may be operated. Our FCC compliance expertise fully covers these related regulations.

F2 Labs can perform the testing and reporting required for you to show your product complies with FCC Part 18 so that a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity can be issued.

Let our experts help you through the FCC Part 18 certification process. Request a quote today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is FCC Part 15 Compliance?

FCC Part 15 Compliance refers to a set of regulations set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that governs the radio frequency emissions from electronic devices. It ensures that electronic devices do not interfere with other electronic products and communications services. 

Who Needs FCC Part 15 Certification?

Manufacturers who sell or market electronic products for sale in the United States, including both intentional and unintentional radiators such as Wi-Fi devices, Bluetooth devices, and electronic devices with IC chips or oscillators, are required to meet FCC Part 15 requirements. 

What is the Difference Between Intentional and Unintentional Radiators?

Intentional radiators are devices designed to emit radio frequencies deliberately, such as wireless transmitters. Unintentional radiators are devices that are not designed to emit RF but do so incidentally, such as digital devices with electronic components. 

What is the Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC)?

The Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) is a process where manufacturers declare that their product complies with the FCC’s regulations. For certain products, this declaration is sufficient for compliance without the need for FCC submission, unless specifically requested. 

What are the Labeling Requirements for FCC Compliance?

Products compliant with FCC Part 15 must be labeled appropriately to show that they adhere to FCC rules. These labeling requirements are specified in FCC Part 15 and include information such as the manufacturer’s identification and compliance statement. 

What is FCC Part 15 Subpart C?

FCC Part 15 Subpart C pertains to the rules for intentional radiators, such as wireless transmitters. Products under this category must undergo testing and certification by an accredited laboratory and receive approval from the FCC or an approved Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB). 

How Can F2 Labs Assist with FCC Part 15 Compliance?

F2 Labs, an accredited laboratory, offers comprehensive testing and certification services for both FCC Part 15 Subpart B (unintentional radiators) and Part 15 Subpart C (intentional radiators). They can guide manufacturers through the entire process, from testing to documentation and submission for FCC approval. 

Are There Any Additional FCC Compliance Procedures Not Listed in the Rules?

Yes, the FCC releases Knowledge Database (KDB) publications with additional requirements and sometimes changes to the rules. Navigating these can be complex, but F2 Labs is familiar with these procedures and can provide assistance. 

Black Casserole Pot Being Tested for FCC Part 18 Certification
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