Changes to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Some pretty drastic changes to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC were published on the European Commission’s Machinery Directive page on March 18, 2019.

Most noticeably, prior to March 18, all of the harmonized standards attached to the Machinery Directive and published in the Official Journal of the EU were displayed in order (A-type, then B-type, then C-type) running down the page.

Now, this is displayed:

The two links are important and the purpose of this article. The first link refers to Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/436. I will refer to it as 2019/436 in this article. The second link refers to the currently accepted harmonized EN standards available to prove compliance to the Machinery Directive.

2019/436 does a few things that are most notable and we want to spread that information to our customers and interested parties as soon as possible. See below.

  1. EN ISO 12100:2010, the sole A-type Machinery Directive standard, dealing with risk assessment, is called out for elimination from the official list of harmonized standards. We do not know when this will happen or what will replace it. See below recital (14) –

2. 2009/436 has three annexes. These three annexes are lists of standards with the following criteria –

  • Annex I – harmonized EN standards added to the list of Machinery Directive standards.
  • Annex II – harmonized EN standards added to the list of Machinery Directive standards, but with a restriction.
  • Annex III – harmonized standards withdrawn from the Machinery Directive standards list. Note that this is not immediate. The dates for each standard’s removal is published next to the standard.

3. EN ISO 12100:2010 is not listed in any of the above three Annexes so while we expect it to be removed or replaced, that is not decided or scheduled yet.

4. EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017 is published to the Machinery Directive list in Annex I (really, this just adds the A13 amendment) and will be required as of May 3, 2020. Interestingly, the A13 amendment is not yet published to the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU list of standards. This means that if your product complies with EN 60335-1 and is in the scope of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC then you must consider the A13 amendment prior to May 3, 2020. Any products sent to the EU with a declaration of conformity indicating compliance to the Machinery Directive and En 60335-1 must, by May 3, 2020, indicate EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017.

We will perform an intensive review of 2019/436 and will publish more information regarding these important changes.

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