Last June I had a discussion with an F2 Labs customer about the confusion of RoHS and REACH, and that she did not have time to become an expert on either of those two regulations. She contracts us to maintain the compliance of about 20 products for one international company. Because she is busy, and this is just one part of each project, she needs to know just enough about RoHS and REACH so that she can communicate to her colleagues what we need to evaluate the build for compliance.
While on the Teams call, I opened a word document and wrote in laymen’s terms what each of the two regulations are and how they affected her company and its products as we discussed each topic. After the call I decided to save this brief summary because this is an ongoing conversation with almost all of our customers. I have sent a pdf of the below to many customers ready to throw their hands up about RoHS and REACH. We can help you. We will show you that it takes 90 seconds to make a IUCLID submission. Then we will show you where your product will land, in the ECHA SCIP database.
See below –

I would write out a summary of the above… but the above is the summary. We will be happy to discuss your EU RoHS and REACH project – or any project for which you need assistance.
Want to discuss your project with us?
You can contact us at this link. Our phone number is 877-405-1580 and we are here to help you.